Blend Pose

There are several type of blend nodes in pose graph.

All blend nodes are calculated in the local space.

Blend poses can be created in the pose graph by right-clicking on the Pose Nodes -> Blend.


Blend Two Pose


The Blend Two Pose will blend the two specified poses by ratio.

Input Type Description
Pose 1 Pose First pose in the blend
Pose 2 Pose Second pose in the blend
Ratio Float Blend ratio. For example, 0.2 means that the final pose will contain 80% of pose 1 and 20% of pose 2.

Blend In Proportion


The Blend In Proportion node blends the nodes by proportion of each pose.

Input Type Description
Pose N Pose Pose in the blend.
Pose N Proportion Float The ratio of the poses to each other. For example, 0.2 means that the final pose will contain 20% of the pose N.

More poses can be added by clicking the "+" button on the right and selecting the poses menu.


After adding a pose, enter the proportion in the input box to set the percentage of the pose in the final pose.


All proportional weighted results should be 1, otherwise there may be undefined behavior.

Filtering Blend


The Filtering Blend node blends Pose 1 to Pose 2 by the specified ratio and mask.

Input Type Description
Pose 1 Pose First pose engaged in the blend
Pose 2 Pose Second pose engaged in the blend
Ratio Float Blend Ratio. For example. 0.2 means the final pose contains 80% from Pose1 and 20% from Pos2.


Inspector Description
Mask The animation mask to use when blending.Only the parts of pose 2 that are bounded by the mask will be blended into pose 1.

Additively Blend


The Additively Blend node "adds" the additive blend to the base pose.

Input Type Description
Base Pose Pose The base pose.
Additive Pose Pose The additive pose
Ratio Floating Point Blend Ratio. For example, 0.2 means that only 20% of the stacked poses will be blended into the base pose.

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