Node.EventType Class

Module: cc

The event type supported by Node


  • TOUCH_START String The event type for touch start event, you can use its value directly: 'touchstart'
  • TOUCH_MOVE String The event type for touch move event, you can use its value directly: 'touchmove'
  • TOUCH_END String The event type for touch end event, you can use its value directly: 'touchend'
  • TOUCH_CANCEL String The event type for touch end event, you can use its value directly: 'touchcancel'
  • MOUSE_DOWN String The event type for mouse down events, you can use its value directly: 'mousedown'
  • MOUSE_MOVE String The event type for mouse move events, you can use its value directly: 'mousemove'
  • MOUSE_ENTER String The event type for mouse enter target events, you can use its value directly: 'mouseenter'
  • MOUSE_LEAVE String The event type for mouse leave target events, you can use its value directly: 'mouseleave'
  • MOUSE_UP String The event type for mouse up events, you can use its value directly: 'mouseup'
  • MOUSE_WHEEL String The event type for mouse wheel events, you can use its value directly: 'mousewheel'




The event type for touch start event, you can use its value directly: 'touchstart'

meta description
Type String
Defined in https:/

The event type for touch move event, you can use its value directly: 'touchmove'

meta description
Type String
Defined in https:/

The event type for touch end event, you can use its value directly: 'touchend'

meta description
Type String
Defined in https:/

The event type for touch end event, you can use its value directly: 'touchcancel'

meta description
Type String
Defined in https:/

The event type for mouse down events, you can use its value directly: 'mousedown'

meta description
Type String
Defined in https:/

The event type for mouse move events, you can use its value directly: 'mousemove'

meta description
Type String
Defined in https:/

The event type for mouse enter target events, you can use its value directly: 'mouseenter'

meta description
Type String
Defined in https:/

The event type for mouse leave target events, you can use its value directly: 'mouseleave'

meta description
Type String
Defined in https:/

The event type for mouse up events, you can use its value directly: 'mouseup'

meta description
Type String
Defined in https:/

The event type for mouse wheel events, you can use its value directly: 'mousewheel'

meta description
Type String
Defined in https:/

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