此 bundle 的根路径, 例如 'http://example.com/bundle1'
for internal use
此 bundle 的依赖
此 bundle 的名称
通过路径与类型获取已缓存资源。在你使用 {{#crossLink "Bundle/load:method"}}{{/crossLink}} 或者 {{#crossLink "Bundle/loadDir:method"}}{{/crossLink}} 之后, 你能通过传路径通过这个 API 获取到这些资源。
注意:传入的 path 与 type 参数需要与 Bundle.load
The path of asset
Only asset of type will be returned if this argument is supplied.
通过 uuid 获取资源信息
The asset's uuid
The relative path of folder, such as 'images'
The constructor should be used to filter paths
The output array
使用 path 获取资源的配置信息
The relative path of asset, such as 'images/a'
The constructor of asset, such as cc.Texture2D
The asset info
The name of scene
初始化此 bundle
Paths of the target assets.The path is relative to the bundle's folder, extensions must be omitted.
Only asset of type will be loaded if this argument is supplied.
Callback invoked when progression change.
Callback invoked when all assets loaded.
加载目标文件夹中的所有资源, 注意:路径中只能使用斜杠,反斜杠将停止工作
path of the target folder.The path is relative to the bundle folder, extensions must be omitted.
Only asset of type will be loaded if this argument is supplied.
Callback invoked when progression change.
A callback which is called when all assets have been loaded, or an error occurs.
The name of the scene to load.
Some optional parameters
Callback invoked when progression change.
callback, will be called after scene launched.
通过相对路径预加载分包中的资源。路径是相对分包文件夹路径的相对路径。调用完后,你仍然需要通过 Bundle.load
就算预加载还没完成,你也可以直接调用 Bundle.load
Paths of the target asset.The path is relative to bundle folder, extensions must be omitted.
Only asset of type will be loaded if this argument is supplied.
Callback invoked when progression change.
Callback invoked when the resource loaded.
预加载目标文件夹中的所有资源。调用完后,你仍然需要通过 Bundle.loadDir
就算预加载还没完成,你也可以直接调用 Bundle.loadDir
path of the target folder.The path is relative to the bundle folder, extensions must be omitted.
Only asset of type will be preloaded if this argument is supplied.
Callback invoked when progression change.
A callback which is called when all assets have been loaded, or an error occurs.
通过场景名称预加载分包中的场景.调用完后,你仍然需要通过 Bundle.loadScene
或 cc.director.loadScene
就算预加载还没完成,你也可以直接调用 Bundle.loadScene
或 cc.director.loadScene
The name of the scene to preload.
Some optional parameters
callback, will be called when the load progression change.
callback, will be called after scene loaded.
释放通过 {{#crossLink "Bundle/load:method"}}{{/crossLink}} 或者 {{#crossLink "Bundle/loadDir:method"}}{{/crossLink}} 加载的资源。 详细信息请参考 {{#crossLink "AssetManager/releaseAsset:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
注意:传入的 path 与 type 参数需要与 Bundle.load
The path of asset
Only asset of type will be released if this argument is supplied.
释放此包中的所有资源。详细信息请参考 {{#crossLink "AssetManager/releaseAll:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
释放此包中的所有没有用到的资源。详细信息请参考 {{#crossLink "AssetManager/releaseAll:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
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