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Interface IGeometry

The definition of the geometry, this struct can build a mesh.


  • IGeometry



Optional attributes

attributes: IGFXAttribute[]

specify vertex attributes, use (positions|normals|uvs|colors) as keys

Optional boundingRadius

boundingRadius: undefined | number

Bounding sphere radius.

Optional colors

colors: number[]

Vertex colors.

Optional customAttributes

customAttributes: { attr: IGFXAttribute; values: number[] }[]

Optional doubleSided

doubleSided: undefined | false | true

whether rays casting from the back face of this geometry could collide with it

Optional indices

indices: number[]

Geometry indices, if one needs indexed-draw.

Optional maxPos

maxPos: undefined | { x: number; y: number; z: number }

Max position.

Optional minPos

minPos: undefined | { x: number; y: number; z: number }

Min position.

Optional normals

normals: number[]

Vertex normals.


positions: number[]

Vertex positions.

Optional primitiveMode

primitiveMode: GFXPrimitiveMode

Topology of the geometry vertices. Default is TRIANGLE_LIST.

Optional tangents

tangents: number[]

Vertex Tangents.

Optional uvs

uvs: number[]

Texture coordinates.

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