Sequences and how to run them

Sequences are a series of Action objects to be executed sequentially. This can be any number of Action objects, Functions and even another Sequence. Functions? Yes! Cocos2d-x has a CallFunc object that allows you to create a function() and pass it in to be run in your Sequence. This allows you to add your own functionality to your Sequence objects besides just the stock Action objects that Cocos2d-x provides. This is what a Sequence looks like when executing:

An example sequence

auto mySprite = Sprite::create("mysprite.png");

// create a few actions.
auto jump = JumpBy::create(0.5, Vec2(0, 0), 100, 1);

auto rotate = RotateTo::create(2.0f, 10);

// create a few callbacks
auto callbackJump = CallFunc::create([](){

auto callbackRotate = CallFunc::create([](){

// create a sequence with the actions and callbacks
auto seq = Sequence::create(jump, callbackJump, rotate, callbackRotate, nullptr);

// run it

So what does this Sequence action do?

It will execute the following actions sequentially:

Jump -> callbackJump() -> Rotate -> callbackRotate()

Delays in Sequences

Sometimes you may want to create a Sequence that has a small delay between each Action. You can achieve this using CallFunc. Example:

// use a sequence incorporating delays between items
cocos2d::CallFunc* A = cocos2d::CallFunc::create([=]() {
    // do something
cocos2d::CallFunc* B = cocos2d::CallFunc::create([=]() {
    // do something
cocos2d::CallFunc* C = cocos2d::CallFunc::create([=]() {
    // do something

cocos2d::DelayTime* delay = cocos2d::DelayTime::create(1);

runAction(cocos2d::Sequence::create(A, delay, B, delay, C, NULL));


Spawn is very similar to Sequence, except that all actions will run at the same time. You can have any number of Action objects and even other Spawn objects!

Spawn produces the same result as running multiple consecutive runAction() statements. However, the benefit of spawn is that you can put it in a Sequence to help achieve specific effects that you cannot otherwise. Combining Spawn and Sequence is a very powerful feature.

Example, given:

// create 2 actions and run a Spawn on a Sprite
auto mySprite = Sprite::create("mysprite.png");

auto moveBy = MoveBy::create(10, Vec2(400,100));
auto fadeTo = FadeTo::create(2.0f, 120.0f);

Using a Spawn:

// running the above Actions with Spawn.
auto mySpawn = Spawn::createWithTwoActions(moveBy, fadeTo);

and consecutive runAction() statements:

// running the above Actions with consecutive runAction() statements.

Both would produce the same result. However, one can use Spawn in a Sequence. This flowchart shows how this might look:

// create a Sprite
auto mySprite = Sprite::create("mysprite.png");

// create a few Actions
auto moveBy = MoveBy::create(10, Vec2(400,100));
auto fadeTo = FadeTo::create(2.0f, 120.0f);
auto scaleBy = ScaleBy::create(2.0f, 3.0f);

// create a Spawn to use
auto mySpawn = Spawn::createWithTwoActions(scaleBy, fadeTo);

// tie everything together in a sequence
auto seq = Sequence::create(moveBy, mySpawn, moveBy, nullptr);

// run it

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