Graphics component reference
The Graphics component provides a series of drawing interfaces that reference the canvas's drawing interface.
Function | Function Explanation |
moveTo (x, y) | Move path start point to (x,y) |
lineTo (x, y) | Adds a straight line to the path |
bezierCurveTo (c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y) | Adds a cubic Bézier curve to the path |
quadraticCurveTo (cx, cy, x, y) | Adds a quadratic Bézier curve to the path |
arc (cx, cy, r, a0, a1, counterclockwise) | Adds an arc to the path which is centered at (cx, cy) position with radius r starting at startAngle and ending at endAngle going in the given direction by counterclockwise (defaulting to false). |
ellipse (cx, cy, rx, ry) | Adds an ellipse to the path |
circle (cx, cy, r) | Adds an circle to the path |
rect (x, y, w, h) | Adds an rectangle to the path |
close () | Adds an round corner rectangle to the path |
stroke () | Draws a filled rectangle |
fill () | Erasing any previously drawn content |
clear () | Causes the point of the pen to move back to the start of the current path. It tries to add a straight line from the current point to the start |
Color, Style
Function | Function Explanation |
lineCap | lineCap determines how the end points of every line are drawn |
lineJoin | lineJoin determines how two connecting segments (of lines, arcs or curves) with non-zero lengths in a shape are joined together |
lineWidth | Current line width |
miterLimit | Sets the miter limit ratio |
strokeColor | stroke color |
fillColor | fill color |
More information about Graphics, please go Graphics