AudioClip Class

Extends Asset, EventTarget(mixin)

Module: cc

Class for audio data handling.


  • loaded Boolean Whether the asset is loaded or not
  • url String Points to the true url of this asset's native object, only valid when asset is loaded and asyncLoadAsset is not enabled.
  • nativeUrl String Returns the url of this asset's native object, if none it will returns an empty string.
  • _native String Serializable url for native asset.
  • _nativeAsset Object The underlying native asset of this asset if one is available.
  • _uuid String
  • _name String
  • _objFlags Number
  • name String The name of the object.
  • isValid Boolean Indicates whether the object is not yet destroyed.
  • toString Returns the asset's url.
  • serialize 应 AssetDB 要求提供这个方法
  • createNode Create a new node using this asset in the scene....
  • _setRawAsset Set native file name for this asset.
  • hasEventListener Checks whether the EventTarget object has any callback registered for a specific type of event.
  • on Register an callback of a specific event type on the EventTarget.
  • off Removes the listeners previously registered with the same type, callback, target and or useCapture,...
  • targetOff Removes all callbacks previously registered with the same target (passed as parameter).
  • once Register an callback of a specific event type on the EventTarget,...
  • emit Trigger an event directly with the event name and necessary arguments.
  • dispatchEvent Send an event with the event object.
  • destroy Actual object destruction will delayed until before rendering.
  • _destruct Clear all references in the instance.
  • _onPreDestroy Called before the object being destroyed.
  • _serialize The customized serialization for this object.
  • _deserialize Init this object from the custom serialized data.
  • load This event is emitted when the asset is loaded




Whether the asset is loaded or not

meta description
Type Boolean
Defined in cocos2d/core/assets/CCAsset.js:57

Points to the true url of this asset's native object, only valid when asset is loaded and asyncLoadAsset is not enabled. Url equals nativeUrl on web(web-mobile, web-desktop) or native(iOS, Android etc) platform. The difference between nativeUrl and url is that url may points to temporary path or cached path on mini game platform which has cache mechanism (WeChat etc). If you want to make use of the native file on those platforms, you should use url instead of nativeUrl.

meta description
Type String
Defined in cocos2d/core/assets/CCAsset.js:68

Returns the url of this asset's native object, if none it will returns an empty string.

meta description
Type String
Defined in cocos2d/core/assets/CCAsset.js:85

Serializable url for native asset.

meta description
Type String
Defined in cocos2d/core/assets/CCAsset.js:123

The underlying native asset of this asset if one is available. This property can be used to access additional details or functionality releated to the asset. This property will be initialized by the loader if _native is available.

meta description
Type Object
Defined in cocos2d/core/assets/CCAsset.js:131
meta description
Type String
Defined in cocos2d/core/assets/CCRawAsset.js:46
meta description
Type String
Defined in cocos2d/core/platform/CCObject.js:76
meta description
Type Number
Defined in cocos2d/core/platform/CCObject.js:83

The name of the object.

meta description
Type String
Defined in cocos2d/core/platform/CCObject.js:240
Examples = "New Obj";

Indicates whether the object is not yet destroyed. (It will not be available after being destroyed)
When an object's destroy is called, it is actually destroyed after the end of this frame. So isValid will return false from the next frame, while isValid in the current frame will still be true. If you want to determine whether the current frame has called destroy, use cc.isValid(obj, true), but this is often caused by a particular logical requirements, which is not normally required.

meta description
Type Boolean
Defined in cocos2d/core/platform/CCObject.js:258
var node = new cc.Node();
cc.log(node.isValid);    // true
cc.log(node.isValid);    // true, still valid in this frame
// after a frame...
cc.log(node.isValid);    // false, destroyed in the end of last frame



Returns the asset's url.

The Asset object overrides the toString() method of the Object object. For Asset objects, the toString() method returns a string representation of the object. JavaScript calls the toString() method automatically when an asset is to be represented as a text value or when a texture is referred to in a string concatenation.

meta description
Returns String
Defined in cocos2d/core/assets/CCAsset.js:184

应 AssetDB 要求提供这个方法

meta description
Returns String
Defined in cocos2d/core/assets/CCAsset.js:198

Create a new node using this asset in the scene.
If this type of asset dont have its corresponding node type, this method should be null.

meta description
Defined in cocos2d/core/assets/CCAsset.js:209

Set native file name for this asset.

meta description
Defined in cocos2d/core/assets/CCAsset.js:224

Checks whether the EventTarget object has any callback registered for a specific type of event.

meta description
Returns Boolean
Defined in cocos2d/core/event/event-target.js:68
  • type String The type of event.

Register an callback of a specific event type on the EventTarget. This type of event should be triggered via emit.

meta description
Returns Function
Defined in cocos2d/core/event/event-target.js:76
  • type String A string representing the event type to listen for.
  • callback Function The callback that will be invoked when the event is dispatched.
                           The callback is ignored if it is a duplicate (the callbacks are unique).
    • arg1 Any arg1
    • arg2 Any arg2
    • arg3 Any arg3
    • arg4 Any arg4
    • arg5 Any arg5
  • target Object The target (this object) to invoke the callback, can be null
eventTarget.on('fire', function () {
    cc.log("fire in the hole");
}, node);

Removes the listeners previously registered with the same type, callback, target and or useCapture, if only type is passed as parameter, all listeners registered with that type will be removed.

meta description
Defined in cocos2d/core/event/event-target.js:116
  • type String A string representing the event type being removed.
  • callback Function The callback to remove.
  • target Object The target (this object) to invoke the callback, if it's not given, only callback without target will be removed
// register fire eventListener
var callback = eventTarget.on('fire', function () {
    cc.log("fire in the hole");
}, target);
// remove fire event listener'fire', callback, target);
// remove all fire event listeners'fire');

Removes all callbacks previously registered with the same target (passed as parameter). This is not for removing all listeners in the current event target, and this is not for removing all listeners the target parameter have registered. It's only for removing all listeners (callback and target couple) registered on the current event target by the target parameter.

meta description
Defined in cocos2d/core/event/event-target.js:159
  • target Object The target to be searched for all related listeners

Register an callback of a specific event type on the EventTarget, the callback will remove itself after the first time it is triggered.

meta description
Defined in cocos2d/core/event/event-target.js:178
  • type String A string representing the event type to listen for.
  • callback Function The callback that will be invoked when the event is dispatched.
                           The callback is ignored if it is a duplicate (the callbacks are unique).
    • arg1 Any arg1
    • arg2 Any arg2
    • arg3 Any arg3
    • arg4 Any arg4
    • arg5 Any arg5
  • target Object The target (this object) to invoke the callback, can be null
eventTarget.once('fire', function () {
    cc.log("this is the callback and will be invoked only once");
}, node);

Trigger an event directly with the event name and necessary arguments.

meta description
Defined in cocos2d/core/event/event-target.js:215
  • type String event type
  • arg1 Any First argument
  • arg2 Any Second argument
  • arg3 Any Third argument
  • arg4 Any Fourth argument
  • arg5 Any Fifth argument
eventTarget.emit('fire', event);
eventTarget.emit('fire', message, emitter);

Send an event with the event object.

meta description
Defined in cocos2d/core/event/event-target.js:235

Destroy this Object, and release all its own references to other objects.
Actual object destruction will delayed until before rendering. From the next frame, this object is not usable any more. You can use cc.isValid(obj) to check whether the object is destroyed before accessing it.

meta description
Returns Boolean
Defined in cocos2d/core/platform/CCObject.js:293

Clear all references in the instance.

NOTE: this method will not clear the getter or setter functions which defined in the instance of CCObject. You can override the _destruct method if you need, for example: _destruct: function () { for (var key in this) { if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) { switch (typeof this[key]) { case 'string': this[key] = ''; break; case 'object': case 'function': this[key] = null; break; } } }

meta description
Defined in cocos2d/core/platform/CCObject.js:427

Called before the object being destroyed.

meta description
Defined in cocos2d/core/platform/CCObject.js:460

The customized serialization for this object. (Editor Only)

meta description
Returns object
Defined in cocos2d/core/platform/CCObject.js:485

Init this object from the custom serialized data.

meta description
Defined in cocos2d/core/platform/CCObject.js:495
  • data Object the serialized json data
  • ctx _Deserializer


load Event

Module: cc

This event is emitted when the asset is loaded



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