Number of draw calls currently recorded.
Number of instances currently recorded.
Number of triangles currently recorded.
Type of the command buffer.
Type of the command buffer.
Begin recording commands.
The render pass the subsequent commands will be executed in
The subpass the subsequent commands will be executed in
The framebuffer to be used in the subpass
Begin render pass.
The frame buffer used.
The target render area.
The clearing colors.
The clearing depth.
The clearing stencil.
Bind descriptor set.
Bind input assembler.
The input assembler to be bound.
Bind pipeline state.
The pipeline state to be bound.
Copy buffer to texture.
The region descriptions.
Draw the specified primitives.
The target input assembler.
End recording commands.
End render pass.
Execute specified command buffers.
The command buffers to be executed.
The number of command buffers to be executed.
Set blend constants.
The new blend constants.
Set depth bias.
The new depth bias factor.
The new depth bias clamp threshold.
The new depth bias slope factor.
Set depth bound.
The new minimum depth bound.
The new maximum depth bound.
Set line width.
The new line width.
Set scissor range.
The new scissor range.
Set stencil compare mask.
The effective triangle face.
The new stencil reference constant.
The new stencil read mask.
Set stencil write mask.
The effective triangle face.
The new stencil write mask.
Set viewport.
The new viewport.
Update buffer.
The buffer to be updated.
The source data.
Offset into the buffer.
Generated using TypeDoc
GFX command buffer.