The sign of the UV space Y axis, positive if origin at upper-left.
The HTML canvas element.
The HTML canvas element for 2D rendering.
The minimum Z value in clip space for the device.
Device color format.
Device depth bits.
Device depth stencil format.
Device pixel ratio.
Current rendering API.
Device pixel height.
Device built-in macros.
Max cube map texture size supported.
Max fragment uniform vectors supported.
Max texture size supported.
Max texture units supported.
Max uniform block size supported.
Max uniform buffer bindings supported.
Max vertex attributes supported.
Max vertex texture units supported.
Max vertex uniform vectors supported.
Total memory size currently allocated.
Device native height.
Device native width.
Number of draw calls currently recorded.
Number of instances currently recorded.
Number of triangles currently recorded.
GFX queue.
Renderer description.
The sign of the screen space Y axis, positive if origin at lower-left.
Device stencil bits.
Uniform buffer offset alignment.
Vendor description.
Device pixel width.
Begin current frame.
Blit frame buffers.
The source frame buffer.
The destination frame buffer.
The source region.
The target region.
Filtering mode for the process.
Copy buffers to texture.
The buffers to be copied.
The texture to copy to.
The region descriptions.
Copy frame buffer to buffer.
The frame buffer to be copied.
The buffer to copy to.
The region descriptions.
Copy texture images to texture.
The texture to be copied.
The texture to copy to.
The region descriptions.
Create buffer.
GFX buffer description info.
Create command buffer.
GFX command buffer description info.
Create descriptor sets.
GFX descriptor sets description info.
Create descriptor set layout.
GFX descriptor set layout description info.
Create fence.
GFX fence description info.
Create frame buffer.
GFX frame buffer description info.
Create input assembler.
GFX input assembler description info.
Create pipeline layout.
GFX pipeline layout description info.
Create pipeline state.
GFX pipeline state description info.
Create queue.
GFX queue description info.
Create render pass.
GFX render pass description info.
Create sampler.
GFX sampler description info.
Create shader.
GFX shader description info.
Create texture.
GFX texture description info.
Define a macro.
The macro name.
The macro value.
Generate shader ID.
Whether the device has specific feature.
The GFX feature to be queried.
Present current frame.
Resize the device.
The device width.
The device height.
Generated using TypeDoc
GFX Device.