
This document is just a brief introduction to the API. For details on its usage, please refer to Custom Project Build Process.


Editor.Builder.on(eventName, callback)

  • eventName string - The name of the event
  • callback function - The event callback
    • options object - Callback params, the build options
    • cb function - Need to call cb when the callback process finished

Editor.Builder.once(eventName, callback)

  • eventName string - The name of the event
  • callback function - The event callback
    • options object - Callback params, the build options
    • cb function - Need to call cb when the callback process finished

Editor.Builder.removeListener(eventName, callback)

  • eventName string - The name of the event
  • callback function - The event callback


Event: 'build-finished'

Emit when build finished

Event: 'compile-finished'

Emit when compile finished

Event: 'before-change-files'

Emit before editor modifies the build files (e.g, before encryption js files)

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