
MiterLimit property sets or returns the maximum miter length. The miter length refers to the distance between the inner and outer corners of the intersection of the two lines.

Tip: miterLimit is valid only if the lineJoin property is "miter".

The smaller the angle of the corners, the greater the length of the miter. To avoid miter length getting too long, we can use the miterLimit property. If the miter length exceeds the value of miterLimit, the corners are displayed with the "bevel" type of lineJoin

Parameter description
number positive number. Specifies the maximum miter length. If the miter length exceeds the value of miterLimit, the corners are displayed with the "bevel" type of lineJoin.


var ctx = node.getComponent(cc.Graphics);
ctx.miterLimit = 10;

Return to Graphics component.

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