Build Requirements
- Mac OS X 10.13+, Xcode 10+
- Ubuntu 16.04+, CMake 3.1+ (use apt install to get the latest version)
- Windows 7+, VS 2017+
- Python 2.7.5+, Python 2,7.10 reccomended, NOT Python 3+
- NDK r91c+ is required to build Android games (tested with r19c) May be called 19.2.xx from within Android Studio
- Android Studio 3.4+ to build Android games (tested with 3.0)
v3.17, v3.17.1
- Mac OS X 10.13+, Xcode 10+
- Ubuntu 16.04+, CMake 3.1+ (use apt install to get the latest version)
- Windows 7+, VS 2015+
- Python 2.7.5+, Python 2,7.10 reccomended, NOT Python 3+
- NDK r16+ is required to build Android games (tested with r16)
- Android Studio 3.0+ to build Android games (tested with 3.0)
- Mac OS X 10.7+, Xcode 7+
- Ubuntu 12.10+, CMake 2.6+
- Windows 7+, VS 2013+ (requires Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 x86 and Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2010 x86)
- Python 2.7.5+, NOT Python 3+
- NDK r11+ is required to build Android games (tested with r14)
- Android Studio 2.3.3+ to build Android games (tested with 2.3.3 and 3.0)
- JRE or JDK 1.6+ is required for web publishing
- Mac OS X 10.7+, Xcode 7+
- Ubuntu 14.04+, gcc, CMake 2.6+
- Windows 7+, VS 2013 or VS 2015 (requires Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 x86 and Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2010 x86)
- Python 2.7.5+, NOT Python 3+
- NDK r11+ and API level 19 is required to build Android games
- Android Studio 2.3+ to build Android games
- Windows Phone/Store 8.1, VS 2013 Update 4+ or VS 2015
- Windows Phone/Store 10.0, VS 2015
- Tizen SDK 2.3+ is required to build Tizen games
- JRE or JDK 1.6+ is required for web publishing
- Mac OS X 10.7+, Xcode 7+
- Ubuntu 14.04+, gcc, CMake 2.6+
- Windows 7+, VS 2013 or VS 2015 (requires Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 x86 and Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2010 x86)
- Python 2.7.5+, NOT Python 3+
- NDK r11+ and API level 19 is required to build Android games
- Windows Phone/Store 8.1, VS 2013 Update 4+ or VS 2015
- Windows Phone/Store 10.0, VS 2015
v3.13, v3.13.1
- Mac OS X 10.7+, Xcode 7+
- Ubuntu 14.04+, gcc, CMake 2.6+
- Windows 7+, VS 2013 or VS 2015 (requires Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 x86 and Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2010 x86)
- Python 2.7.5+, NOT Python 3+
- NDK r11+ and API level 19 is required to build Android games
- Windows Phone/Store 8.1, VS 2013 Update 4+ or VS 2015
- Windows Phone/Store 10.0, VS 2015
- Mac OS X 10.7+, Xcode 7+
- Ubuntu 14.04+, gcc, CMake 2.6+
- Windows 7+, VS 2013 or VS 2015 (requires Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 x86 and Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2010 x86)
- Python 2.7.5+, NOT Python 3+
- NDK r10c+ is required to build Android games
- Clang for developing Android games
- Windows Phone/Store 8.1, VS 2013 Update 4+ or VS 2015
- Windows Phone/Store 10.0, VS 2015
v3.8, v3.9, v3.10, v3.11, v3.11.1
- Mac OS X 10.7+, Xcode 5.1+
- Ubuntu 14.04+, gcc 4.9+, CMake 2.6+
- Windows 7+, VS 2013 or VS 2015 (requires Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 x86 and Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2010 x86)
- Python 2.7.5+, NOT Python 3+
- NDK r10c+ is required to build Android games
- Windows Phone/Store 8.1, VS 2013 Update 4+ or VS 2015
- Windows Phone/Store 10.0, VS 2015
- Mac OS X 10.7+, Xcode 5.1+
- Ubuntu 14.04+, gcc 4.9+, CMake 2.6+
- Windows 7+, VS 2013+ (requires Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 x86 and Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2010 x86)
- Python 2.7.5+, NOT Python 3+
- NDK r10c+ is required to build Android games
- Windows Phone/Store 8.1, VS 2013 Update 4+
- JRE or JDK 1.6+ is required for web publishing
v3.4, v3.5, v3.6
- Mac OS X 10.7+, Xcode 5.1+
- Ubuntu 14.04+, gcc 4.9+
- Windows 7+, VS 2012+ (requires Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 x86 and Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2010 x86)
- Python 2.7.5+, NOT Python 3+
- NDK r10c+ is required to build Android games
- Windows Phone/Store 8.0 VS 2012+
- Windows Phone/Store 8.1 VS 2013 Update 3+
- Mac OS X 10.7+, Xcode 5.1+
- Ubuntu 14.04+, gcc 4.9+
- Windows 7+, VS 2012+ (requires Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 x86 and Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2010 x86)
- Python 2.7.5+, NOT Python 3+
- NDK r10c+ is required to build Android games
- Windows Phone/Store 8.0 VS 2012+
- Windows Phone/Store 8.1 VS 2013 Update 3+
v3.0, v3.1, v3.1.1, v3.2
- Mac OS X 10.7+, Xcode 4.6+
- Ubuntu 12.04+, gcc 4.7
- Windows 7+, VS 2012+ (requires Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 x86 and Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2010 x86)
- Python 2.7.5+, NOT Python 3+
- NDK r9d is required to build Android games
- Windows Phone/Store 8.0 VS 2012+
- Windows Phone/Store 8.1 VS 2013 Update 3+
Runtime Requirements
- iOS 6.0+ for iPhone / iPad games
- Android 2.3+ for Android games
- Windows 8.1 or Windows 10.0 for Windows Phone/Store 8.1 games
- Windows 10.0 for Windows Phone/Store 10.0 games
- Mac OS X v10.6+ for Mac games
- Windows 7+ for Win games
- Modern browsers and IE 9+ for web games
Revision history
- 11/28/2017 - slackmoehrle - added Python 2.7.5+, but not Python 3+ and Visual C++ Redistributable requirements.
- 1/2/2017 - slackmoehrle - reviews while comparing to README for each tagged release.