Toggle component reference

The toggle component is a CheckBox, when it used together with a ToggleGroup, it could be treated as a RadioButton.


Click the Add Component button at the bottom of the Properties panel and select Toggle from UI Component. Then you can add the Toggle component to the node.

The API reference of Toggle is here: Toggle API.

Toggle properties

Properties Function Explanation
isChecked Boolean type. When this value is true, the check mark component will be enabled, otherwise the check mark component will be disabled.
checkMark cc.Sprite type. The image displayed when Toggle is selected.
toggleGroup cc.ToggleGroup type. The toggle group which the toggle belongs to, when it is null, the toggle is a CheckBox. Otherwise, the toggle is a RadioButton.
Check Events Default list type is null. Each event added by the user is composed of the node reference, component name and a response function. Please see the Toggle Event section below for details.

Note: Because Toggle is inherited from Button, so the attributes exists in Button also apply to Toggle, please refer to the Button Component for more information.

Toggle Event

Properties Function Explanation
Target Node with the script component.
Component Script component name.
Handler Assign a callback function which will be triggered when the user clicks and releases the Toggle.
customEventData A user-defined string value passed as the last event argument of the event callback.

The Toggle event callback has two parameters, the first one is the Toggle itself and the second is the customEventData.

Detailed explanation

The generic node hierarchy of Toggle is as below:


Note: The checkMark node needs to be placed on the upper level of the background node in the Scene.

Add a callback through the script code

Method one

The event callback added by this method is the same as the event callback added by the editor, all added by code. First you need to construct a cc.Component.EventHandler object, and then set the corresponding target, component, handler and customEventData parameters.

var checkEventHandler = new cc.Component.EventHandler(); = this.node; // This Node is the node to which your event processing code component belongs.
checkEventHandler.component = "cc.MyComponent"
checkEventHandler.handler = "callback";
checkEventHandler.customEventData = "foobar";


// here is your component file
    name: 'cc.MyComponent'
    extends: cc.Component,

    properties: {

    callback: function(toggle, customEventData) {
        // The toggle here is the Toggle component that the event emits.
        // The customEventData parameter here is equal to the "foobar" you set earlier.

Method two

Added by the way of toggle.node.on('toggle', ...).

// Suppose we add an event handler callback inside a component's onLoad method and event handlers in the callback function:

    extends: cc.Component,

    properties: {
       toggle: cc.Toggle

    onLoad: function () {
       this.toggle.node.on('toggle', this.callback, this);

    callback: function (toggle) {
       // The parameter of the callback is the toggle component.
       // do whatever you want with toggle

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