Your First Package

In this article, you will learn how to create a simple Cocos Creator package and get introduced to the basics.

In this walkthrough, you will add a new package, register a menu item in Cocos Creator's main menu and register an IPC message in your script.

Create a New Package

Let's start by first creating an empty folder called "hello-world". After that, inside the folder, create two new files - "main.js" and "package.json". The structure of the package should look like this:


Now put the folder in ~/.CocosCreator/packages (Windows users should use the following path instead: C:\Users\${your-name}\.CocosCreator\packages) to finish the installation. Alternatively you can put the folder in ${your-project}/packages instead. That will make your package get loaded only when you open ${your-project}.

Editing package.json

Each package must have a package.json file under the root that describes it and its capabilities. Even though package.json may seem very similar to an npm-package in Node.js, they are very different in purpose. You can not directly use an npm package as a Creator extension, but a Creator extension can reference an npm package.

Here is a simple example of a package.json file:

  "name": "hello-world",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "description": "A simple extension",
  "author": "Cocos Creator",
  "main": "main.js",
  "main-menu": {
    "Examples/Hello World": {
      "message": "hello-world:say-hello"


  • name String - The package name. Make sure your package name is unique. It's related to many things in package programming.
  • version String - The version number. We highly recommend you use semver standard for your version.
  • description String (optional) - Describe your package in one sentence.
  • author String (optional) - Author's name.
  • main String (optional) - Package entry point.
  • main-menu Object (optional) - Main menu registry.

Entry Point

After you have finished your package.json file, you need to write a main.js script as your package's entry point:

'use strict';

module.exports = {
  load () {
    // When the package loaded

  unload () {
    // When the package unloaded

  messages: {
    'say-hello' () {
      Editor.log('Hello World!');

The script will be loaded in the main process of Cocos Creator. After it has been successfully loaded, the load method will be invoked. Meanwhile, the functions live in messages will be registered as IPC message. For more details regarding IPC message, check out introduction-to-ipc.

Here we just need to understand, the method in the messages defined in your main.js module will be registered as an IPC messages in our main process. The message name will be ${your-package-name}:${method-name}, and the method will be the respond functoin.

Run Your Package

You can now launch your Cocos Creator. If everything goes right, you will find a new menu item called Examples, shown in your main menu. Clicking the Examples and selecting the Hello World will send a message "hello-world:say-hello" to your main.js in your package, which eventually will show a log "Hello World" in Cocos Creator's Console panel.

Congratulations! You have finished your first package.

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