Skeletal Animation Assets (DragonBones)

DragonBones skeletal animation assets are data formats exported by DragonBones (supports DragonBones v5.6.2 and below).

Import DragonBones Skeleton Animation Assets

DragonBones skeletal animation assets include

  • .json/.dbbin skeleton data
  • .json atlas data
  • .png atlas textures


Create Skeletal Animation Assets

Using DragonBones skeletal animation assets in a scene requires two steps:

  1. Create nodes and add DragonBones components

    Drag the skeletal animation asset from the Assets panel to the Dragon Asset property of the created DragonBones component:


  2. Set the atlas data for the DragonBones component

    Drag the atlas data from the Assets panel to the Dragon Atlas Asset property of the DragonBones component:


Storage in the Project

For efficient asset management, it is recommended to store the imported asset files in a separate directory so that they won't mix with other assets.

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