Custom Project Build Process

Custom Project Build Template

Cocos Creator supports custom build templates for each project. Add a build-templates folder to the project path, divide the sub-folder according to the platform path. Then all the files in this folder will be automatically copied to the build generated project according to the corresponding folder structure after the build. Currently, all platforms except the native platform support this function, the specific platform name can be referred to the following custom build template platform support table.

Folder Structure:


If the current platform is Web-Mobile, then build-templates/web-mobile/index.html will be copied to build/web-mobile/index.html.

In addition to this, build templates can be customized in the following ways.

ejs type

Since the content of the package is not guaranteed to be exactly the same in every version, when the build template within the editor is updated, the developer also needs to update the build template within their project. Now add a new way to use the template, click on Project -> Create preview template in the main menu, and an ejs template file will be generated for the corresponding platform.


Parameters are imported into these templates during the build, and content that is frequently changed during the build is placed in sub-templates of that template. You only need to modify what you want to use, so that the build templates within the project can be updated less frequently.

Note: the copy template occurs after the rendered template. For example, if both index.ejs and index.html exist in this directory, the final packaged package will be the index.html file instead of the index.ejs rendered file.


Many mini games have their own configuration JSON files, like game.json to WeChat Mini Games. Files in the build templates folder will just copy in default, but this configuration JSON will be merged instead of overwrite. Of course, it doesn't mean that all JSON file will be merged, you can check it in the tables below.

Custom build template platform supports tables

The JSON files corresponding to the data fusion for each mini game are as follows:

Platform Actual Name Custom Build Template
WeChat Mini Game wechatgame game.ejs, game.json, project.config.json
Web Mobile web-mobile index.ejs
Web Desktop web-desktop index.ejs
Xiaomi Quick Game xiaomi-quick-game manifest.json
Huawei Quick Game huawei-mini-game Use the Build Panel's
Cocos Play cocos-play game.config.json
Baidu Mini Game baidu-mini-game game.json, project.swan.json
OPPO Mini Game oppo-mini-game manifest.json
vivo Mini Game vivo-mini-game project.config.json
Alipay Mini Game alipay-mini-game game.json
Native native X (Not recommended)

Custom Build Plugins

It is currently in the internal testing phase and is not open to the public at this time.

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