Cocos Creator
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More tutorials
More engine dynamics, quality tutorials, and interviews can be viewed at ,
Demo and example projects
- Example Collections: You can also get access to it by creating a new project using that template. It's a case by case introduction of most Cocos Creator components and features.
- Your first Cocos Creator game: Star Catcher: Please read Quick Start Tutorial to build it step by step!
- Blackjack Demo co-developed with Tencent Games
- UI Demo
- Dark Slash: Original Dark Slash resources authorized by Veewo Games to recreate Dark Slash in Cocos Creator as a demo.
- Responsive UI Demo: Responsive UI system that can fit any device screen size.
- Combat Animation Demo: Use flexible and powerful animation editor to create combat animation.
- Team Building UI Demo: Showcase how to use prefab and json data to populate dynamic UI contents.
- Camera Demo: Contains examples of the usage of camera.
Note: all demo and example projects on GitHub will be updated with the version of Cocos Creator. The default branch corresponds to the latest Cocos Creator version. The old version of the project will be distinguished by the branch name like v0.7. The branch name will match the Cocos Creator version, please be careful to distinguish the version when downloading and using.
Other third-party tools and resources
Code IDE
- VS Code: Recommended coding environment for Cocos Creator.
- WebStorm
- Sublime Text
- Atom
Tools for generating texture packer
Tools for generating Bitmap font
2D skeleton animation tools
Tools for making special effect particles
- Particle Designer
- Particle2dx: Free online tool
Other game development resources
- Cocos Store: Various game art assets, extension tools
Send problems and feedback
Apart from the information provided in this guide, you can also obtain information from or send feedback to the Cocos Creator development group through the following channels at any time: