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Cocos Creator

Entry Point

Each package can specify an entry file, the file will be loaded in the main process of Cocos Creator. Usually the following tasks are defined in the entry file:

  • Initialize a package
  • Run background service
  • Call methods in the main process of Cocos Creator
  • Manage package's panels

Here is an example of an entry file:

'use strict';

module.exports = {
  load () {
    Editor.log('package loaded');

  unload () {
    Editor.log('package unloaded');

Lifecycle Callbacks


When the package has been loaded, the load function will be invoked. This is the ideal place for us to do some initializing for the package.


When the package has been unloaded, the unload function will be invoked. Memory management and unregistering functions can be done here.

Register IPC messages

To listen to IPC messages in main process, add it in the messages field. Example:

'use strict';

module.exports = {
  messages: {
    'foo-bar' ( event ) { Editor.log('hello foobar'); },
    'scene:saved' ( event ) { Editor.log('scene saved!'); },

Short Message

Short message is the message name without a :. A short message will be expanded to ${your-package-name}:${message-name} during package registration. Suppose our package name is "simple-demo", and the "foo-bar" in above example will be expanded to "simple-demo:foo-bar" in the end.

In practice, send IPC messages to the short registry through Editor.Ipc.sendToPackage:

Editor.Ipc.sendToPackage('simple-demo', 'foo-bar');

Full Message

Full message is the message with :. Usually we use full message to listen the IPC message broadcast by other packages or other modules. It is necessary to clearly understand which package or module sending the message since the colon divide the message string into package and method.

For example the "scene:saved" is a message come from the builtin package --- "scene".

Released under the MIT License.