Working with Vue

If you have already mastered the interface writing method in the writing panel interface section, one might think that writing the interface is a bit cumbersome. Is it possible to use some front-end interface frameworks to improve the efficiency of interface writing? The answer is yes. Cocos Creator supports many interface frameworks such as Vue, React, Polymer and so on.

During testing, Vue was found to be very consistent with the overall design ideas of Cocos Creator. This section will focus on how to use Vue to write a panel interface in Cocos Creator.

Deploy Vue

In fact, there isn't any preparation work, the panel window of Cocos Creator will load Vue by default when it is opened.

Initialize the Vue panel

The Vue panel can be initialized in the ready() function. The initialization method is as follows:

ready () {
  new window.Vue({
    el: this.shadowRoot,

By passing in the shadow root element of panel-frame, Vue can generate a vm under the element node.

Look at a more detailed usage example:

  style: `
    :host {
      margin: 10px;

  template: `
    <h2>A Simple Vue Panel</h2>

    <input v-model="message">
    <p>Input Value = <span>{{message}}</span></p>

  ready () {
    new window.Vue({
      el: this.shadowRoot,
      data: {
        message: 'Hello World',

Data binding

Vue's data binding rules can be defined in the template keyword of the panel. Then pass the data keyword defined in Vue Write binding data in to complete the entire operation.

Specific examples are as follows:

  template: `
    <ui-button v-if="showCancel">{{txtCancel}}</ui-button>
    <ui-input v-for="item in items" value="{{item.message}}"></ui-input>

  ready () {
    new window.Vue({
      el: this.shadowRoot,
      data: {
        txtOK: 'OK',
        txtCancel: 'Cancel',
        showCancel: false,
        items: [
          { message: 'Foo' },
          { message: 'Bar' },

Event binding

In addition to using data binding, events and methods can be binded together through Vue's @ method. It’s worth noting that the bound method must be defined in the methods keyword in the Vue definition.

Specific examples are as follows:

  template: `
    <ui-button @confirm="onConfirm">Click Me</ui-button>

  ready () {
    new window.Vue({
      el: this.shadowRoot,
      methods: {
        onConfirm ( event ) {
          console.log('On Confirm!');

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