Cocos Creator
Custom Gizmo advanced
Previous article talked about how to customize a Gizmo that moves and zooms with nodes. This document introduces how to implement an editable Gizmo.
First, define the offset
in the CustomComponent
script of Assets:
properties: {
offset: cc.Vec2
Second, change custom-gizmo.js
to the following content and save:
let ToolType = {
None: 0,
Side: 1,
Center: 2
class CustomGizmo extends Editor.Gizmo {
init () {
// Initialize some parameters
onCreateMoveCallbacks () {
// Create gizmo operation callback
// Declare some local variables
let startOffset; // The offset of the circle recorded when the mouse is pressed
let startRadius; // The radius of the circle recorded when the mouse is pressed
let pressx, pressy; // record the mouse position when the mouse is pressed
return {
* Triggered when the mouse is pressed on the gizmo
* @param x the x coordinate of the pressed point
* @param y The y coordinate of the pressed point
* @param event mousedown dom event
start: (x, y, event) => {
startRadius =;
startOffset =;
pressx = x;
pressy = y;
* Triggered when the mouse is pressed and moved on the gizmo
* @param dx x displacement of mouse movement
* @param dy y displacement of mouse movement
* @param event mousedown dom event
update: (dx, dy, event, type) => {
// Get the node that the gizmo is attached to
let node = this.node;
// Get the components attached to the gizmo
let target =;
if (type === ToolType.Center) {
// Calculate the new offset
let mat4 = cc.vmath.mat4.create();
let t = cc.vmath.mat4.invert(mat4, mat4);
t.m12 = t.m13 = 0;
let d = cc.v2(dx, dy);
cc.vmath.vec2.transformMat4(d, d, t);
target.offset = d;
this.adjustValue(target, 'offset');
else {
// Convert the coordinate point to the node
let position = node.convertToNodeSpaceAR(cc.v2(pressx + dx, pressy + dy));
// Calculate radius
target.radius = position.sub(startOffset).mag();
// Prevent too many decimal places of radius
this.adjustValue(target, 'radius');
* Triggered when the gizmo lifts the mouse
* @param event mousedown dom event
end: (updated, event) => {
onCreateRoot () {
// Create a callback for the svg root node, you can create your svg tool here
// 'this._root' can get the svg root node created by 'Editor.Gizmo'
// Example:
// Create an svg tool
// group function documentation:
this._tool =;
// Create a center drag area to manipulate the offset attribute
let dragArea =
// Set the fill style
.fill( { color: 'rgba(0,128,255,0.2)' } )
// Set the click area, here is the click according to the fill mode
.style( 'pointer-events', 'fill' )
// Set the mouse style
.style( 'cursor', 'move' )
// Register the svg element that listens to mouse movement events
// 'ToolType.Center' is a custom parameter, which will be passed to the mobile callback
// in the form of parameters in the mobile callback, so that it is convenient to
// distinguish which svg element generated the current callback.
// '{cursor: 'move'}' specify the type of mouse when moving
this.registerMoveSvg( dragArea, ToolType.Center, {cursor: 'move'} );
// Create an edge drag area to manipulate the radius property
let circle =
// Set the stroke style
.stroke( { color: '#7fc97a', width: 2 } )
// Set the click area, here is to click according to the stroke mode
.style( 'pointer-events', 'stroke' )
// Set the mouse style
.style( 'cursor', 'pointer' )
this.registerMoveSvg( circle, ToolType.Side, {cursor: 'pointer'} );
// Define a drawing function for the tool, which is convenient for updating the
// drawing of svg in onUpdate.
this._tool.plot = (radius, position) => {
this._tool.move(position.x, position.y);
onUpdate () {
// Update svg tool
// Get the components attached to the gizmo
let target =;
// Get the node that the gizmo is attached to
let node = this.node;
// Get the world coordinates of the node
let position = node.convertToWorldSpaceAR(target.offset);
// Convert world coordinates to svg view
// The coordinate system of svg view is not the same as the node coordinate
// system, here we use the built-in function to convert the coordinates
position = this.worldToPixel(position);
// Align the coordinates to prevent the svg from jittering due to accuracy issues
position = Editor.GizmosUtils.snapPixelWihVec2( position );
// Get the radius of the circle in world coordinates
let p1 = node.convertToWorldSpaceAR(cc.v2(target.radius, 0));
let p2 = node.convertToWorldSpaceAR(cc.v2(0, 0));
let radius = p1.sub(p2).mag();
// Align the coordinates to prevent the svg from jittering due to accuracy issues
radius = Editor.GizmosUtils.snapPixel(radius);
// Move the svg tool to the coordinates
this._tool.plot(radius, position);
module.exports = CustomGizmo;
Please refer to the Gizmo Api.
For additional Gizmo examples, please refer to the Gizmo Examples.