Release a Game on Web platform

Click on Project -> Build... in the editor's main menu to open the Build panel.

Cocos Creator provides two page templates for the Web platform, and you can choose Web Mobile or Web Desktop from the drop-down menu of the Platform option. The main differences between them are:

  • Web Mobile: The game view will cover the whole browser window by default.
  • Web Desktop: Allows you to specify the resolution of a game view when publishing, and then the game view will not change when you zoom in and out of the browser window.

Build Path

You can designate a release path for the game by inputting a path in the Build Path input field or choosing one via the ... browsing button. The following cross-platform release will create resources or projects in child folders of this release path.

The default release path is in the build under the project folder. If you use version control systems like git and svn, you can ignore the build folder in version control.

Build settings

Main Bundle Compression Type

Set the compression type of the main package, please refer to the built-in Asset Bundle — main documentation for details.

Inline all SpriteFrames

When merging assets automatically, combine all SpriteFrames and the assets that are being relied on into the same package. It is recommended to enable this option in web. When enabled, it will increase the overall game size slightly, consume a little bit of network traffic, but can significantly reduce the number of network requests. It is recommended to disable this option in native, because it will increase the package size used in hot update.


Integrate vConsole debug plugin, which similar to DevTools mini version, used to help debug.

If you need test, check Debug and Source Maps option. The built version will have sourcemap for debugging.

MD5 Cache

Append MD5 hash to the exported assets for resolving CDN or browser cache issue.

After being enabled, if any resource fails to load, it is because the renamed new file can not be found. It is usually because some third party resources was not loaded by cc.assetManager. If this happens, you can convert the url before loading, to fix the loading problem.

var uuid = cc.assetManager.utils.getUuidFromURL(url);
url = cc.assetManager.utils.getUrlWithUuid(uuid);

Build and preview

Click the Build button, then a progress bar will appear on the top of the panel. When the progress bar reaches 100%, the build is finished.

Next, you can click the Play button to open the built game version in the browser for preview and test.

web desktop

A preview of the Web Desktop mode is shown above. You can see that the resolution of the game image is fixed and the game image doesn't fully cover the browser window.

Browser compatibility

The desktop browsers tested during the Cocos Creator development process include: Chrome and Firefox. Other browsers as long as the kernel version is high enough to work properly, for some browsers do not open IE compatibility mode.

Browsers tested on mobile devices include: Safari, Chrome, QQ browser, UC browser, Baidu browser, WeChat built-in WebView.

Retina setting

You can use cc.view.enableRetina(true) to set the high resolution in the script, and the Retina display will be turned on by default when you build to the Web platform.

Release a game on Web server

If you want to release or share your games on the Internet, click the Open button next to Build path. After opening the release path, copy everything in the built web-mobile or web-desktop folders, and drop them into your Web server. Then you can see the game later there.

For the construction of Web server, you can search for solutions such as Apache, Nginx, IIS and Express on your own.

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