YAML 101

The parser used conforms to YAML 1.2 standard, this means full JSON compatibility, you can write JSON directly if you want to:

      "vert": "skybox-vs",
      "frag": "skybox-fs",
        "cullMode": "none"
      # ... hash sign for comments

But of course it would be cumbersome and error-prone, so what YAML provides is a much simpler representation of the same data:
(you can always refer to any online YAML JSON converter to play around ideas)

  • All quotation marks and commas can be omitted (but note, never omit the space after colon)
key1: 1
key2: unquoted string
  • Like python, indentation is part of the syntax, representing hierarchy of the data1
  key1: false
  key2: 3.14
  key3: 0xdeadbeef
    key4: 'quoted string'
  • Array elements are represented by dash+space prefix
- 42
- "double-quoted string"
- arrayElement3:
    key1: punctuations? sure.
    key2: you can even have {}s as long as they are not the first character
    key3: { nested1: 'but no unquoted string allowed inside brackets', nested2: 'also notice the comma is back too' }

With these in mind, the effect manifest at the beginning of this document can be re-write as follows:

- passes:
  - vert: skybox-vs
    frag: skybox-fs
      cullMode: none
    # ...

Another YAML feature that might comes in handy is reference and inheritance. Take a look at reference first:

object1: &o1
  key1: value1
  key2: value2
  key3: *o1

This is its corresponding JSON:

  "object1": {
    "key1": "value1"
  "object2": {
    "key2": "value2",
    "key3": {
      "key1": "value1"

Next, inheritance:

object1: &o1
  key1: value1
  key2: value2
  <<: *o1
  key3: value3

The corresponding JSON:

  "object1": {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2"
  "object2": {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2",
    "key3": "value3"

For our purposes, like when multiple pass has the same properties, etc. it could be really helpful:

- passes:
  - # pass 1 specifications...
    properties: &props # declare once...
      p1: { value: [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ] }
      p2: { sampler: { mipFilter: linear } }
      p3: { inspector: { type: color } }
  - # pass 2 specifications...
    properties: *props # reference anywhere

Finally, before writing any YAML, wrap it in a CCEffect block first:

CCEffect %{
  # YAML starts here


[1] The YAML standard doesn't support tabs, so the effect compiler will try to replace all the tabs in file with 2 spaces first, to avoid the trivial yet annoying trouble of accidentally inserting tabs somewhere. But overall, please try to avoid doing that completely to make sure the compilation goes smoothly.

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