UI Custom Material

Sprite supports UI Custom Material. The user interface is as follows:

Using a custom material works the same as the UI_built-in materials. However, there are few items to take into consideration:

  • When the number of custom materials is set to 0 or empty, the default material will be used. Please refer to the Sprite documentation.
  • UI does not support multiple materials, the number of custom materials is at most one.
  • When the ui custom material is used, the Grayscale function on the panel will be invalid. Users can choose to implement this function in the material.
  • After setting the custom material, the Color property on the panel will be mixed with the color set in the material itself (if had) to affect the rendering color of the sprite.
  • For custom materials, developers need to introduce the cc-sprite-texture header file in the shader and sample the cc_spriteTexture. Image resources can be directly set and used by the sprite through the SpriteFrame on the settings panel.
  • For example, a simple fragment shader that uses the panel setting SpriteFrame to sample textures should look like the following:

      CCProgram sprite-fs %{
          precision highp float;
          #include <embedded-alpha>
          #include <cc-sprite-texture> // Introduce preset header files
          in vec4 color;
          in vec2 uv0;
          uniform Constant {
              vec4 mainColor;
          vec4 frag () {
              vec4 o = vec4(1, 1, 1, 1);
              o *= texture(cc_spriteTexture, uv0); // sample cc_spriteTexture
              o *= color;
              o *= mainColor;
              return o;
  • To perform uniform assignment operations to custom materials, they can operate by obtaining the material on the Sprite. We provide different interfaces to deal with different operating conditions, as shown in the following code: (Please pay attention to the difference Notes on the interface!)

          let spriteCom = this.node.getComponent(Sprite);
          // What is obtained through the sharedMaterial method is a shared material resource, and operations on material will affect all rendering objects that use this material
          let material = spriteCom.sharedMaterial;
          // The material trial used by the current rendering component obtained through the material method, the operation for material Instance will only affect the current component
          let materialInstance = spriteCom.material;

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