
All classes inherited from Component are called Component Classes. The objects in a Component Class are called Components. Components are implement according to the Cocos Creator 3D Entity Component (EC) system.

The component class must inherit from a cc class. Example:

import { Component } from "cc";

class MyComponent extends Component {


Component creation and destruction

The life cycle of a component is completely controlled by the node. Unlike ordinary class objects, components cannot be created by constructors:

const component = new MyComponent(); // Error: The component cannot be created by the constructor

Conversely, components must be created by nodes:

const myComponent = node.addComponent(MyComponent);

After this, the component is said to be attached to the node. Components are always attached to a node, except for:

  • Before the end of the constructor of the component class.
  • After the component is removed from the node.

Call the Node.removeComponent method to remove the specified component and destroy it. Example"

import { Component } from "cc";

class MyComponent extends Component {
    constructor () {
        console.log(; // Error: The component is not attached to the node

    public printNodeName () {

// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
const myComponent = node.addComponent(MyComponent);
myComponent.printNodeName(); // Correct
myComponent.printNodeName(); // Error: The component is not attached to the node

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