js Module

This module provides some JavaScript utilities. All members can be accessed with "cc.js".



  • isNumber Check the obj whether is number or not If a number is created by using 'new Number(10086)', the typeof it will be "object"... Then you can use this function if you care about this case.
  • isString Check the obj whether is string or not. If a string is created by using 'new String("blabla")', the typeof it will be "object"... Then you can use this function if you care about this case.
  • addon This method is deprecated, use cc.js.mixin please.
    Copy all properties not defined in obj from arguments[1...n]
  • mixin copy all properties from arguments[1...n] to obj
  • extend Derive the class from the supplied base class. Both classes are just native javascript constructors, not created by cc.Class, so usually you will want to inherit using cc.Class instead.
  • getSuper Get super class
  • clear Removes all enumerable properties from object
  • getPropertyDescriptor Get property descriptor in object and all its ancestors
  • value Define value, just help to call Object.defineProperty.
    The configurable will be true.
  • getset Define get set accessor, just help to call Object.defineProperty(...)
  • get Define get accessor, just help to call Object.defineProperty(...)
  • set Define set accessor, just help to call Object.defineProperty(...)
  • getClassName Get class name of the object, if object is just a {} (and which class named 'Object'), it will return "". (modified from the code from this stackoverflow post)
  • _setClassId Register the class by specified id, if its classname is not defined, the class name will also be set.
  • setClassName Register the class by specified name manually
  • unregisterClass Unregister a class from fireball.

If you dont need a registered class anymore, you should unregister the class so that Fireball will not keep its reference anymore. Please note that its still your responsibility to free other references to the class.

  • _getClassById Get the registered class by id
  • getClassByName Get the registered class by name
  • _getClassId Get class id of the object
  • obsolete Defines a polyfill field for obsoleted codes.
  • obsoletes Defines all polyfill fields for obsoleted codes corresponding to the enumerable properties of props.
  • formatStr A string tool to construct a string with format string.
  • createMap A simple wrapper of Object.create(null) which ensures the return object have no prototype (and thus no inherited members). So we can skip hasOwnProperty calls on property lookups. It is a worthwhile optimization than the {} literal when hasOwnProperty calls are necessary.




Check the obj whether is number or not If a number is created by using 'new Number(10086)', the typeof it will be "object"... Then you can use this function if you care about this case.

meta description
Returns Boolean
Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/platform/js.js:57
  • obj Any

Check the obj whether is string or not. If a string is created by using 'new String("blabla")', the typeof it will be "object"... Then you can use this function if you care about this case.

meta description
Returns Boolean
Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/platform/js.js:69
  • obj Any

This method is deprecated, use cc.js.mixin please.
Copy all properties not defined in obj from arguments[1...n]

meta description
Returns Object
Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/platform/js.js:81
  • obj Object object to extend its properties
  • sourceObj Object source object to copy properties from

copy all properties from arguments[1...n] to obj

meta description
Returns Object
Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/platform/js.js:110

Derive the class from the supplied base class. Both classes are just native javascript constructors, not created by cc.Class, so usually you will want to inherit using cc.Class instead.

meta description
Returns Function
Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/platform/js.js:135

Get super class

meta description
Returns Function
Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/platform/js.js:169
  • ctor Function the constructor of subclass

Removes all enumerable properties from object

meta description
Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/platform/js.js:188
  • obj Any

Get property descriptor in object and all its ancestors

meta description
Returns Object
Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/platform/js.js:200

Define value, just help to call Object.defineProperty.
The configurable will be true.

meta description
Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/platform/js.js:218

Define get set accessor, just help to call Object.defineProperty(...)

meta description
Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/platform/js.js:242

Define get accessor, just help to call Object.defineProperty(...)

meta description
Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/platform/js.js:270

Define set accessor, just help to call Object.defineProperty(...)

meta description
Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/platform/js.js:293

Get class name of the object, if object is just a {} (and which class named 'Object'), it will return "". (modified from the code from this stackoverflow post)

meta description
Returns String
Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/platform/js.js:310

Register the class by specified id, if its classname is not defined, the class name will also be set.

meta description
Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/platform/js.js:388

Register the class by specified name manually

meta description
Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/platform/js.js:399

Unregister a class from fireball.

If you dont need a registered class anymore, you should unregister the class so that Fireball will not keep its reference anymore. Please note that its still your responsibility to free other references to the class.

meta description
Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/platform/js.js:416
  • constructor Function the class you will want to unregister, any number of classes can be added

Get the registered class by id

meta description
Returns Function
Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/platform/js.js:439

Get the registered class by name

meta description
Returns Function
Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/platform/js.js:450

Get class id of the object

meta description
Returns String
Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/platform/js.js:460

Defines a polyfill field for obsoleted codes.

meta description
Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/platform/js.js:527
  • obj Any YourObject or YourClass.prototype
  • obsoleted String "OldParam" or "YourClass.OldParam"
  • newPropName String "NewParam"
  • writable Boolean

Defines all polyfill fields for obsoleted codes corresponding to the enumerable properties of props.

meta description
Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/platform/js.js:559
  • obj Any YourObject or YourClass.prototype
  • objName Any "YourObject" or "YourClass"
  • props Object
  • writable Boolean

A string tool to construct a string with format string.

meta description
Returns String
Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/platform/js.js:577
  • msg String | Any A JavaScript string containing zero or more substitution strings (%s).
  • subst Any JavaScript objects with which to replace substitution strings within msg. This gives you additional control over the format of the output.
cc.js.formatStr("a: %s, b: %s", a, b);
cc.js.formatStr(a, b, c);

A simple wrapper of Object.create(null) which ensures the return object have no prototype (and thus no inherited members). So we can skip hasOwnProperty calls on property lookups. It is a worthwhile optimization than the {} literal when hasOwnProperty calls are necessary.

meta description
Returns Object
Defined in https:/github.com/cocos-creator/engine/blob/master/cocos2d/core/platform/js.js:626
  • forceDictMode Boolean Apply the delete operator to newly created map object. This causes V8 to put the object in "dictionary mode" and disables creation of hidden classes which are very expensive for objects that are constantly changing shape.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""