Networking with HTTP

Sometimes it might be helpful to obtain resources or data from another source. One common way of doing this is by using an HTTP request.

HTTP networking has three steps:

  1. Create an HttpRequest
  2. Create a setResponseCallback() callback function for replying to requests.
  3. Send HttpRequest by HttpClient

HttpRequest can have four types: POST, PUT, DELETE, UNKNOWN. Unless specified the default type is UNKNOWN. The HTTPClient object controls sending the request and receiving the data on a callback.

Working with an HTTPRequest is quite simple:

HttpRequest* request = new (std :: nothrow) HttpRequest();
request->setResponseCallback(CC_CALLBACK_2 (HttpClientTest::onHttpRequestCompleted, this));



Notice that we specified a setResponseCallback() method for when a response is received. By doing this we can look at the data returned and use it how we might need to. Again, this process is simple and we can do it with ease:

void HttpClientTest::onHttpRequestCompleted(HttpClient* sender, HttpResponse* response)
  if (!response)

  // Dump the data
  std::vector<char>* buffer = response->getResponseData();

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i <buffer-> size (); i ++)
    log ("% c", (* buffer) [i]);

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