Recommended coding standards

The following are the coding standards that the Cocos Creator development team use. They are included in the manual for game developers` and tool developers' reference.

Naming standards

  • When we name the variables, functions and living examples, we use camelCase nomenclature

    // bad
    var FOOBar = {};
    var foo_bar = {};
    function FOOBar () {}
    // good
    var fooBar = {};
    function fooBar () {}
  • When we name types or modules, we use PascalCase nomenclature

    // bad
    var foobar = cc.Class({
        foo: 'foo',
        bar: 'bar',
    var foobar = require('foo-bar');
    // good
    var FooBar = cc.Class({
        foo: 'foo',
        bar: 'bar',
    var FooBar = require('foo-bar');
  • Use underscores _ when naming private attributes

    // bad
    this.__firstName__ = 'foobar';
    this.firstName_ = 'foobar';
    // good
    this._firstName = 'foobar';
  • We use dash nomenclature for files

    // bad
    // good

Grammar standards

  • Use {} to create an object

    // bad
    var obj = new Object();
    // good
    var obj = {};
  • Use [] to create an array

    // bad
    var array = new Array();
    // good
    var array = [];
  • Try your best to use single quotation marks '' to define a string in js code

    // bad
    var str = "Hello World";
    // good
    var str = 'Hello World';
  • When defining multi-lines string, try your best to use +

    // bad
     const errorMessage = 'This is a super long error that was thrown out because of Batman. When you stop to think about how Batman had anything to do with this, you would get nowhere fast.';
     // bad
     const errorMessage = 'This is a super long error that was thrown out because \
     of Batman. When you stop to think about how Batman had anything to do \
     with this, you would get nowhere \
     // good
     const errorMessage = 'This is a super long error that was thrown out because ' +
       'of Batman. When you stop to think about how Batman had anything to do ' +
       'with this, you would get nowhere fast.';
  • Use === and !== rather than == and !=.

Grammar standards

  • Choose quadruple spacing or double spacing for indentation according to your own habits and the primary code writer's format.

    // bad
    function() {
    ∙var name;
    // very bad
    function() {
    ∙∙<tab>∙∙var name;
    // good
    function() {
    ∙∙var name;
    // good
    function() {
    ∙∙∙∙var name;
  • Try to put { and the expression in the same line

    // bad
    if ( isFoobar )
    // good
    if ( isFoobar ) {
    // bad
    function foobar()
    // good
    function foobar() {
    // bad
    var obj =
        foo: 'foo',
        bar: 'bar',
    // good
    var obj = {
        foo: 'foo',
        bar: 'bar',
  • Put a space before {

    // bad
    function test(){
    // good
    function test() {
    // bad
        age: '1 year',
        breed: 'Bernese Mountain Dog',
    // good
    dog.set('attr', {
        age: '1 year',
        breed: 'Bernese Mountain Dog',
  • Please put a space before ( of the logic state expressions ( if, while )

     // bad
     if(isJedi) {
         fight ();
     // good
     if (isJedi) {
  • Please put a space between operators

    // bad
    var x=y+5;
    // good
    var x = y + 5;
  • Put a space between Block definitions

    // bad
    if (foo) {
        return bar;
    return baz;
    // good
    if (foo) {
        return bar;
    return baz;
    // bad
    const obj = {
        foo() {
        bar() {
    return obj;
    // good
    const obj = {
        foo() {
        bar() {
    return obj;
    // bad
    const arr = [
        function foo() {
        function bar() {
    return arr;
    // good
    const arr = [
        function foo() {
        function bar() {
    return arr;
  • Do not use a comma to define

    // bad
    var story = [
        , upon
        , aTime
    // good
    var story = [
    // bad
    var hero = {
          firstName: 'Ada'
        , lastName: 'Lovelace'
        , birthYear: 1815
        , superPower: 'computers'
    // good
    var hero = {
        firstName: 'Ada',
        lastName: 'Lovelace',
        birthYear: 1815,
        superPower: 'computers',



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