Upgrade CMake

Versions prior to v3.6 do not support specifying a cmake path, and can be upgraded by overwriting the editor's built-in cmake directory.

Windows platform

  1. Go to https://cmake.org/download/ to download the required cmake version, and extract it

unzip cmake for windows

  1. Open the editor internal directory resources/tools/cmake/

editor cmake path

  1. Overwrite the editor's built-in cmake with the downloaded cmake content, leaving the directory structure unchanged.

  2. Restart the editor and it will take effect.

Mac platform

  1. Go to https://cmake.org/download/ to download the required cmake version, and unzip it

unzip cmake for mac

  1. Open the editor internal directory Contents/Resources/tools/cmake/arm64 (or x86_64)

editor cmake path

  1. Copy the contents of the downloaded CMake/Contents to the editor's corresponding directory.

  2. Restart the editor and it will take effect.

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