
The Layer property of the Node is an unsigned 32-bit integer, supporting up to 32 different types of Layer, which can be set in Project -> Project Settings -> Layers in the menu bar above the editor. The developer can customize the Layer 0 ~ 19, and the remaining 12 Layers are the engine's built-in ones.

The Visibility property of the Camera and the Layer property of the Node are both used to control the visibility of nodes. However, a node can only be seen by the camera if the Layer property set in the node is included in the Visibility of the camera. The Visibility property of the camera uses bitwise operators (such as | and &) to determine whether a node's Layer should be visible, and supports selecting multiple Layers at the same time. See the Camera — Set the Visibility property documentation for details.

The engine's built-in Layers

layer gizmo

Property Description Property Value
NONE Set all invisible 0
IGNORE_RAYCAST Setting to ignore ray detection 1 << 20
GIZMOS Set gizmo information visible 1 << 21
EDITOR Set editor visible 1 << 22
UI_3D Set the 3D UI node to be visible 1 << 23
SCENE_GIZMO Set scene gizmo visible 1 << 24
UI_2D Set 2D UI nodes visible 1 << 25
PROFILER Set the profiler node to be visible 1 << 28
DEFAULT Set the default node to be visible 1 << 30
ALL Set all nodes to be visible 0xffffffff

User-defined Layers

layer gizmo

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