

正如之前所讨论的,EventTarget 提供了事件监听和发射的功能。Cocos Creator v3.8.0 引入了 screen 对象,它实现了 EventTarget 接口。该对象允许注册全局系统屏幕事件。



事件名称 描述 支持平台 支持版本
window-resize 监听窗口大小变化 Web, Native, MiniGame 3.8.0
orientation-change 监听屏幕方向变化 Web, Native, MiniGame 3.8.3
fullscreen-change 监听全屏变化 Web 3.8.0


import { _decorator, Component, screen, macro } from 'cc';
const { ccclass } = _decorator;

export class Example extends Component {
  onLoad() {
    // Register event listeners with the screen object
    screen.on('window-resize', this.onWindowResize, this);
    screen.on('orientation-change', this.onOrientationChange, this);
    screen.on('fullscreen-change', this.onFullScreenChange, this);

  onDestroy() {
    // Unregister event listeners when the component is destroyed
    screen.off('window-resize', this.onWindowResize, this);
    screen.off('orientation-change', this.onOrientationChange, this);
    screen.off('fullscreen-change', this.onFullScreenChange, this);

  onWindowResize(width: number, height: number) {
    console.log("Window resized:", width, height);

  onOrientationChange(orientation: number) {
    if (orientation === macro.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE_LEFT || orientation === macro.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE_RIGHT) {
      console.log("Orientation changed to landscape:", orientation);
    } else {
      console.log("Orientation changed to portrait:", orientation);

  onFullScreenChange(width: number, height: number) {
    console.log("Fullscreen change:", width, height);

条与 "" 相匹配的结果

    没有与 "" 匹配的结果